There is a marketing blitz right now for running your telephone system as a cloud application. At Digicorp, we are aligned with cloud telephone system providers to be able to offer this solution where it makes sense. However, we do not sell them often because the “dirty little secret” is that they cost substantially more over a three-year and five-year cost of ownership.
If you are interested in a pay-as-you-go option, such as buying an application in the cloud, we have a better solution. Digicorp is able to offer you a way to take advantage of a low monthly cost while also saving on ongoing cloud costs.
We will provide you with a monthly payment approach with Digicorp’s Voice as a Managed Service (VAAMS.) We will meet or beat any cloud-based solution on a monthly cost basis and still provide more for less. Whereas cloud-based systems require that you support your system yourself (or hire a third party), Digicorp will provide you with a system that includes all break-fix maintenance on the system, including on the core network infrastructure (Ethernet). In addition, we will be here to support you long-term. Having been in business since 1976, we are a long-standing organization that you can trust.
If getting a better telephone solution for less money and being able to pay for it as you would a monthly utility bill fits your needs, please give us a call. We would be happy to help with an analysis and provide options.